Bering Yachts and Trasco Bremen Collaborate For The Ultimate in Safety Underway

Bering Yachts & Trasco Bremen Collaborate For Better Safety

US brand Bering Yachts – the designer and builder of the some of the safest semi-custom, steel hulled expedition yachts and luxury trawlers – has teamed up with the globe’s leading commercial builder of armored vehicles to provide discerning yacht owners with additional onboard safety. The idea is to add even more protection and shield the most critical areas of the yacht with bullet-proof materials. Areas such as the wheelhouse or the engine room as well as vital machinery, for example, the navigation systems, communication and alarm systems deserve the ultimate in protection.

Bering Yachts & Trasco Bremen Collaborate For Better Safety

Bering Yachts focuses on building steel-hulled expedition yachts and trawlers ranging in size from 20m (65ft) to 45m (145ft). With the collaboration of its in-house team of experienced architects, engineers and craftsmen, the shipyard pays very close attention to detail and abides by the highest of standards in each of it’s yacht builds. The company employs over 500 skilled employees in its modern facility in Antalya, Turkey. Structural steel and aluminum construction along with system redundancy and proven commercial-grade components make Bering yachts capable, reliable, comfortable and seaworthy.

Bering Yachts & Trasco Bremen Collaborate For Better Safety

To view Bering Yachts listings on, please click here.

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